Strength TogetHER 14 - Session 3

July 3, 2021

“Mental health is not a destination, it’s a process.”

To take the inch forward towards the very process, we conducted this session with the help of our moderator Pratikshya Rajopadhya on the topic ' Depression and anxiety as a part of mental health. This session was held on July 3, 2021. Every participant in the session might relate to this. This was the session filled with so much emotion. Participants had tear rolling down their eyes, the virtual hugs and support from one another were immense. 

With the introduction from the moderator, we started off as 4 speakers, but as one of our speakers had some medical emergency, we could deliver the message of only 3 speakers here. To add to that, I was a coordinator who shared my gratitude to every speaker and I shared my personal memories about the topic as well. 

The very first speaker talked about the hardships and struggles she faced closely as her brother was having a serious illness. The process of his struggles, success, and failure was screamingly painful to hear even to the participants.

The second speaker was facing the problem within herself. She barely found the directions of her achievement in the past few years. She also mentioned, “I am trying so hard not to be a trouble to those who I love the most, but it’s not easy and every time I push harder, it breaks me.” Her journey was something we could barely hear of. 

Another speaker with a different story came up with her idea of being alone, isolated, and depressed during her high school days. Her tears during the session itself made us feel so helpless and miserable but the amount of confidence she built to speak about everything she went through among the group of people who don’t even know her was the step that we call “Success.”

All the views and the words from every speaker are valued. The aura of sisterhood, emotions, and many more were reflected on the third session of cohort 14 with the presence and valuable guidelines of our moderator. This session exactly made me feel why the project was called ‘Strength Together’.

Written by - Shreeti K.C (Cohort Coordinator)


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